Devotions and Lectures

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God is for Us: Psalm 46

March 6, 2025

Trials and sufferings convince us that God has abandoned us, but Psalm 46 reminds us that God is with us and for us, even when it feels like everything and everyone is against us.


The Chief of Sinners: 1 Timothy 1:12-17

March 4, 2025

The glory of the gospel is that Jesus came into the world to save great sinners like you and me. In yet another act of overflowing mercy, he chooses to use us to display his grace to the world.


Growing Down: Isaiah 6:1-8 | Rev. Jesse Pirschel

February 25, 2025

While all agree that progressive sanctification is important but does the Scripture view progress the same way we do? Is growth in the Christian life an acquisition of more strength or is it reckoning with our weakness? This devotion hopes to wrestle with the strength of weakness in the Christian life.


Judge the Ministry With Right Judgment: John 7:14-24

February 18, 2025

If you are a faithful pastor you will suffer rejection. But as you persevere in serving others with God’s power, truth and love, like Jesus, you win by losing.


A Sojourner’s Long Psalm: Psalm 119

February 14, 2025

Psalm 119 provides an extended insight into the psalmist’s spiritual experience as a suffering sojourner looking ahead to God’s mysterious but sure deliverance.


Open Their Eyes: 2 Kings 6:8-23

February 11, 2025

Any preacher today could be tempted to regard his main obstacle as a modern one, namely the incredulity and cynicism of a secularist world. Be there is an ancient one as well—the recurring doubts of God’s people in the supernatural world. Preachers have long served as God’s agents to help those who struggle to walk by faith and not by sight, and continue to look to the things that are unseen, which are eternal. 2 Kings 6:8-23 reveals an example of God’s prophet being used to open the eyes of others in order to see what is truly real.


Dr. Robert Strimple Memorial Service Video

January 18, 2025

The Memorial Service for Dr. Robert B. Strimple was held at Westminster Seminary California on January 18th, 2025. Thank you to all of those who joined us in honoring him.
